Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki

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Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki
Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki

This article is a disambiguation page for worlds.

This page's mere and/or primary purpose is to be a navigation page to list other articles who fall under the category of worlds.

A World (also known as a map) refers to Places that players can travel to once certain conditions are met. Most Worlds consist of a large-scale map dotted with quests, enemies and points of interests; and so for simplicities's sake, (rather than having one single, interconnected map) these Worlds are split into Places with the appropriate content and gated by the appropriate unlock methods.

List of Worlds[]

Worlds can be categorized into two types: Story Worlds and Special Worlds. Story Worlds are accessed linearlly as the player levels up and progresses through the Story, while Special Worlds are accessed nonlinearlly at indeterminate points when the player fulfills their unlock conditions.

Earth Earth (Saiyan Saga) Unlocked by default.
Planet Namek Planet Namek (Frieza Saga) Unlocked at Level 100.
Future Earth Future Earth (Android Saga) Unlocked at Level 200.
Space Space (Special Saga) Unlocked at Level 300.
South Earth South Earth (Majin Buu Saga) Unlocked at Level 500.

Other World Other World Die, then select "Go to Other World".
Gc-world Gravity Room Gravity Room Training gamepass;
or 50,000 Zeni.
Hbtc-world Hyperbolic Time Chamber Hyperbolic Time Chamber gamepass;
or 200,000 Zeni.
Plaza-of-time-world Plaza of Time Time Patrol Pack gamepass only.
Crack-of-time-world Crack of Time Time Breaker Pack gamepass only.
CursedLands Cursed Lands Cursed Ticket from Cursed Majins on Cursed Islands on Earth. (Oct 4th 2024 to Nov 8th 2024)

Site Navigation[]

Saga Worlds
Saiyan SagaFrieza SagaAndroid SagaSpecial SagaBuu Saga
Other World
PC ControlsXbox Controls
AccessoryAnimalAnimationBlue KaiokenClothingCombatDragon BallEnemyFusionItemKaiokenMasterPlayable RacePower-UpSkillZeni
User Interfaces
Character CreationEXPForm MasteryGame PassMenuMusicQuest (Raid Quest)ServerShopStatsTitleWorld
Game Modes
Ranked MatchesTournament ModeTraining Mode