Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki

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Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki
Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki

Quests (colloquially referred to as missions) are the primary method of gaining EXP when starting and the only way to earn Zeni.


There are multiple types of Quests, each different in their own way.

Each Quest is labeled with a marker when in the Quest Viewer, which can be opened by pressing Tab or D-Pad up depending on the device. A legend is located in the top right of the Quest Viewer defining the markers for each Quest type. The active Quest is located in the top left, and players are unable to see their health, ki, etc.

Quests are acquired by talking to the NPC that has the marker on them and accepting the task. Available Quests are labeled with a "?" over the NPC, and completed Quests are labeled with a green marker in the Quest Viewer. Upon starting the game for the first time, players are automatically given a one-time Quest to show them where the shops in the world are located.

Beginner Quest[]

Welcome to the game
Location Earth
Requirement Create New Slot
Giver Automatic
Talk to:
EXP 1,000
Zeni 1,500
  1. Despite never being stated, the player does not have to actually go into Ranked Matches to finish the beginner Quest.

Story Quest[]

Story Quests are labeled with a red marker. These Quests correspond to the original Dragon Ball saga.

Only one red marker can be present at a time on the map due to the linear format of these Quests. Since they are based on the Dragon Ball timeline, events such as movies sagas are mixed in with the Quest line. By completing them, the player will earn masters that they can train with to learn new skills and fighting styles.

When the player has completed all the Story Quests, there will be no red marker visible when in the Quest Viewer, which is another indicator that the player has completed all the story mode quests.

Saiyan Saga[]

Quest Quest Giver Task master EXP Zeni
Story Quest #1 Commander Red Mercenary Tao: 1 Mercenary Tao 40,000 1,000
Story Quest #1[Side 1] Farmer Farmer With Shotgun: 1 --------------- 11,000 60
Story Quest #2[Side 1] Chi-Chi Find Kid Gohan

Evil Saiyans: 3

--------------- 9,000 120
Story Quest #2 Goku and Piccolo Raditz: 1 Raditz 48,000 1,100
Story Quest #3 Kami Piccolo: 1

Tien: 1

Chiaotzu: 1

Yamcha: 1

Krillin: 1




56,000 1,200
Story Quest #3[Side 1] Goku Tell Bulma to wish Goku back with the Dragon Balls --------------- 10,000 180
Story Quest #4 Kid Gohan and Krilin Nappa: 1 Nappa

Kid Gohan

64,000 1,300
Story Quest #5 Vegeta Vegeta: 1 Goku(Early)


72,000 1,400
Story Quest #6[Side 1] Krilin Find Wood For Camping Trip --------------- 9,500 240
Story Quest #6 Tien and Yamcha Amond: 1

Caco: 1

Diaz: 1

Rasin: 1

Lakasei: 1

--------------- 80,000 1,500
Story Quest #7 Turles Turles: 1 Turles 88,000 1,600
Story Quest #8 Kid Gohan and Piccolo Commander Zeeun: 1

Angila: 1

Wings: 1

Medamatcha: 1

--------------- 96,000 1,700
Story Quest #8[Side 1] Bulma Find Bulma's Dragon Radar --------------- 9,500 300
Story Quest #9 Goku Lord Slug: 1 Lord Slug 104,000 1,800
Story Quest #10 Krilin Salza: 1

Dore: 1

Neiz: 1

--------------- 112,000 1,900
Story Quest #10[Side 1] Goku Bring Goku a Senzu Bean from "Korin" --------------- 11,500 0
Story Quest #11 Cooler Cooler: 1 --------------- 120,000 2,000

Frieza Saga[]

Quest Quest Giver Task Master EXP Zeni
Story Quest #12 Vegeta Cui: 1 Nail 500,000 1,000
Story Quest #13 Kid Gohan and Krilin Dodoria: 1 Dodoria 700,000 1,100
Story Quest #14[Side 1] Kid Gohan and Krilin Talk to Guru --------------- 500,000 80
Story Quest #14 Vegeta Zarbon: 1 Zarbon 900,000 1,200
Story Quest #15[Side 1] Vegeta Steal the Dragon Balls(Stone) from Frieza's Spaceship --------------- 75,000 160
Story Quest #15 Krilin, Kid Gohan and Vegeta Guldo: 1

Recoome: 1

Burter: 1

Jeice: 1

Recoome 1,100,000 1,300
Story Quest #16[Side 1] Nail Find the 3 Star Ball(Stone) --------------- 50,000 240
Story Quest #16 Goku Captain Ginyu: 1 Captain Ginyu 1,300,000 1,400
Story Quest #17[Side 1] Dende Find the last Dragon Ball --------------- 50,000 320
Story Quest #17 Kid Gohan, Krilin, Piccolo and Vegeta Frieza: 1 Frieza 1,500,000 1,500
Story Quest #18 Goku Frieza (Full Power): 1 --------------- 1,700,000 1,600

Android Saga[]

Quest Quest Giver Task Master EXP Zeni
Story Quest #19 Future Trunks Mecha Frieza: 1

King Cold: 1

Future Trunks 1,000,000 1,000
Story Quest #20 [Side 1] Future Trunks Give Goku the vaccine --------------- 100,000 80
Story Quest #20 Goku Goku: 1

Kid Gohan: 1

Piccolo: 1

--------------- 1,100,000 1,100
Story Quest #21 Cooler Cooler: 1 Cooler 1,200,000 1,200
Story Quest #22 [Side 1] Yamcha Ask survivor where are the Androids --------------- 110,000 160
Story Quest #22 Vegeta Android 19: 1 --------------- 1,300,000 1,300
Story Quest #23 Piccolo Dr. Gero: 1 Dr. Gero 1,400,000 1,400
Story Quest #23 [Side 1] Krilin Find Dr. Gero's lab Future Gohan 120,000 240
Story Quest #24 Vegeta and Future Trunks Android 14: 1

Android 15: 1

--------------- 1,500,000 1,500
Story Quest #25 Goku Android 13: 1 Android 13 1,600,000 1,600
Story Quest #26 Vegeta Android 18: 1 Android 18 1,700,000 1,700
Story Quest #26 [Side 1] Android 17 Give senzu to Vegeta, Tien, Trunks, Piccolo --------------- 130,000 320
Story Quest #27 Piccolo Imperfect Cell: 1 Android 16 1,800,000 1,800
Story Quest #27 [Side 1] Bulma Find Cell's time machine 140,000 400
Story Quest #28 Piccolo Android 17: 1 Android 17 1,900,000 1,900
Story Quest #28 [Side 1] Krilin Find Androids 18 and 16 --------------- 150,000 480
Story Quest #29 Future Trunks Semi-Perfect Cell: 1 --------------- 2,000,000 2,000
Story Quest #29 [Side 1] Bulma Give Goku the Dragon Radar --------------- 160,000 560
Story Quest #30 Teen Gohan Perfect Cell: 1 Cell

Teen Gohan

2,200,000 2,100


Saga EXP Zeni
Saiyan Saga 940,500 17,400
Namek Saga 8,375,000 9,900
Android Saga 19,610,000 20,840

History Quest[]

History Quests are labeled with a teal marker. These Quests are essentially Story Quests that can be repeated.

They are only available in a saga if the player has completed all the Story Quests in that saga. Whenever a History Quest is completed, their rewards are half their original counterpart Quest. For example, Story Quest #30 gives out 2,200,000 EXP and 2,100 Zeni upon completion for the first time. If that Quest is completed again, the player will only be rewarded with 1,100,000 EXP and 1,050 Zeni.

Story Quests that are designated as "side Quests" cannot be repeated as History Quests. For example, Story Quest #1 (Side 1), the Farmer With Shotgun Quest, will not turn into a History Quest and cannot be replayed.

Like Daily Quests, completed History Quests cannot be repeated until 12 hours after their completion.

Daily Quest[]

Daily Quests are labeled with a yellow marker. These Quests can be done once a day, and reset 12 hours (individually) after the player completes them.

Quest Quest Giver Task EXP Zeni
Nick of Time Civilian Bring the "Man" his lunch 3,600 250
Caring For a Friend Civilian Give the Lunch to the "Homeless Friend" 5,400 700
Roshi's Delivery Civilian Give Master Roshi his magazines 7,200 300
Thought Recovery Yajirobe Locate Yajirobe's Lost Senzu Bean Bag 8,100 430
Poisoness Powerup Civilian Black Water Misted Fighter: 6 11,700 850
Turtle Trumping Civilian Turtle Martial Artist: 5 15,660 1,280
Crane Brain Civilian Crane Martial Artist: 5 16,200 1,000
Strongest Martial Clan Civilian Turtle Martial Artist: 5

Crane Martial Artist: 5

19,800 950
Trembling Saiyans Civilian Evil Saiyan: 5 21,960 2,500
Saiba-Frenzy Civilian Saibaman: 6 27,000 1,280
Purple Upgrade Two Civilians[Note 1] Mutated Saibaman: 6 29,520 1,550
Outer Space Bandits Civilian Alien: 5 30,060 1,400
Test Your Might Civilian Random Players: 3 31,500 2,000
Mercenary Platoons Civilian Turles Crusher Soldier: 4 34,560 2,000
Slug's Elite Civilian Lord Slug Henchman: 8 36,000 1,270
Cooler Force Civilian Cooler Squadron: 5 36,000 1,300

Quest Quest Giver Task EXP Zeni
Bucket Watering Ogre Find the Bucket of Bloodwater 2,000 300
Daily Demon Cleaning #1 Ogre Weak Demon: 3 20,000 200
Daily Demon Cleaning #2 Ogre Demon: 3 40,000 400
Daily Demon Cleaning #3 Ogre Mid Demon: 3 60,000 400
Daily Demon Cleaning #4 Ogre Strong Demon: 3 80,000 400
Daily Demon Cleaning #5 Ogre Elite Demon: 3 100,000 400
Daily Demon Cleaning #6 Ogre Super Demon: 3 120,000 400
Big Demon Problems #1 Ogre Big Weak Demon: 1 40,000 400
Big Demon Problems #2 Ogre Big Demon: 1 80,000 800
Big Demon Problems #3 Ogre Big Mid Demon: 1 120,000 800
Big Demon Problems #4 Ogre Big Strong Demon: 1 160,000 800
Big Demon Problems #5 Ogre Big Elite Demon: 1 200,000 800
Big Demon Problems #6 Ogre Big Super Demon: 1 240,000 800
Other World Preliminaries Pikkon[Note 2] Pikkon: 1 2,500,000 400

Quest Quest Giver Task EXP Zeni
Beep Namekian Cyclopian Guard: 20 80,000 2700
Can Searching Namekian Find the Watering Clan 40,000 250
Dodoria's Crew Namekian Team Dodoria Soldier: 6 65,000 2000
Field Planting Namekian Give Planting Seeds to the Namekian Planter 48,000 350
Freedom Namekian Super-Elite Frieza Soldier: 6 90,000 1,850
Frieza's Elite Namekian Elite Frieza Soldier: 7 61,000 2,000
Frieza's Elite Army Namekian Elite Frieza Soldier: 8
Super-Elite Frieza Soldier: 8
88,000 3,000
Frieza's Mercenaries Namekian Mercenary Frieza Soldier: 6 50,000 1,900
Frieza's Underlings Namekian Frieza Soldier: 9 70,000 1,500
Frosty Boyz Namekian Frost Demon: 3 95,000 1,250
Gang Beast Namekian Evil Namekian: 10 84,000 2,000
Higher Ups Namekian Executive Frieza Soldier: 3 72,000 1,750
Legendary Power Namekian Super Namekian: 8 120,000 2,000
Lesson Learned Namekian Evil Namekian: 6
Super Namekian: 6
100,000 2,350
Sick Namekian Find the Medicine 30,000 900
Slave Work Namekian Frieza Force Commander: 3 55,000 1,200
The Weirdos Namekian Ginyu Force Recruit: 10 76,000 1,500
Traitors Namekian Rouge Namekian: 5 57,000 2,450

Quest Quest Giver Task EXP Zeni
Armory Civilian Android Tank: 5 270,000 3250
Energy Stealers Civilian Energy-Absorption Android: 8 285,000 3500
Frieza's Ultra-Elite Civilian Ultra-Elite Frieza Soldier: 10 250,000 3850
Hell in a Cell Civilian Cell Jr.: 5
Bio-Android: 5
400,000 3850
Little Bug Monsters Civilian Cell Jr.: 7 330,000 4000
Powered Up Civilian Super Android: 6 320,000 3750
Robotic Failure Civilian Prototype Android: 9 260,000 3450
Saiba-Mania Civilian Saiba-Ranger: 12 245,000 3200
Science Freaks Civilian Scientific Android: 4 255,000 2950
Teenage Aggression Civilian Cyborg Android: 3
Prototype Android: 3
450,000 3500
The Perfect Design Civilian Ultimate Android: 7 350,000 3250
Unlimited Energy Civilian Cyborg Android: 8 300,000 3000
Unstoppable Force Civilian Super Android: 5
Ultimate Android: 5
500,000 3250
Wicked Omen Civilian Bio-Android 315,000 3000

Quest Quest Giver Task EXP Zeni
Low-Class Scum Saiyan Low-Class Saiyan: 9 800,000 4,150
The Enforcers Saiyan Mid-Class Saiyan: 8 1,200,000 4,250
The Elites Saiyan Elite-Class Saiyan: 7 1,500,000 4,500
Royal Meeting Saiyan Royal Saiyan: 6 1,850,000 4,600
Bardock's Elite Force Saiyan Fasha: 1

Tora: 1

Borgos: 1

Shugesh: 1

2,000,000 4,250
The Overseer Saiyan King Vegeta: 1 3,000,000 4,750
The Avenger Saiyan Bardock: 1 4,000,000 5,000
Frieza Force Army 1 Frieza Soldier Private Frieza Soldier: 10 1,000,000 3,750
Frieza Force Army 2 Frieza Soldier Corporal Frieza Soldier: 9 1,000,000 4,300
Frieza Force Army 3 Frieza Soldier Specialist Frieza Soldier: 8 1,000,000 4,250
Frieza Force Army 4 Frieza Soldier Frieza Force Sergeant: 7 1,000,000 4,100
Frieza Force Army 5 Frieza Soldier Frieza Force General: 6 1,000,000 4,000
The Ugly 1 Saiyan Kanassan Set 1: 8 1,000,000 4,000
The Ugly 2 Saiyan Kanassan Set 2: 8 1,000,000 4,100
The Ugly 3 Saiyan Kanassan Set 3: 8 1,000,000 4,200
The Ugly 4 Saiyan Kanassan Set 4: 8 1,000,000 4,300
The Ugly 5 Saiyan Kanassan Set 5: 8 1,000,000 4,400
Meaty Situation 1 Bardock Meatian Set 1: 7 1,300,000 4,100
Meaty Situation 2 Dodoria Meatian Set 2: 5 1,300,000 4,200
Meaty Situation 3 Saiyan Meatian Set 3: 5 1,300,000 4,300
Strange Aliens 1 Frieza Soldier Yardratian Set 1: 7

(A Yardratian Set 2 exists, but the presumed quest giver just gives the quest for set 1.)

1,600,000 4,000
The Legend Frieza Soldier Soba: 1 3,500,000 4,750
Chilled's Left Hand Civilian Toobi: 1 1,600,000 4,000
Chilled's Right Hand Civilian Cabira: 1 1,600,000 4,000
Frieza's Ancestor Bardock Lord Chilled: 1 5,000,000 4,000
Makyan Takeover Piccolo Salt: 1

Vinegar: 1

Spice: 1

Mustard: 1

Ginger: 1

Sansho: 1

Nicky: 1

2,000,000 4,750
Makyo Star Goku Garlic Jr.: 1 3,500,000 5,000
Galaxy Warriors 1 Vegeta Zangya: 1 2,500,000 4,000
Galaxy Warriors 2 Future Trunks Kogu: 1 2,500,000 4,000
Galaxy Warriors 3 Piccolo Bido: 1

Bujin: 1

3,000,000 4,500
Space Pirate Teen Gohan Bojack: 1 6,000,000 5,200
Uncontrolled Rage Goku Broly: 1

Give Vegeta a Senzu Bean

Give Teen Gohan a Senzu Bean

Give Piccolo a Senzu Bean

Give Future Trunks a Senzu Bean

8,000,000 6,500
Saiyan Annihilation Frieza Fasha: 1

Tora: 1

Borgos: 1

Shugesh: 1

King Vegeta: 1

Bardock: 1

Low-Class Saiyan: 6

Mid-Class Saiyan: 5

Elite-Class Saiyan: 4

Royal Saiyan: 3

16,000,000 6,000

  1. There are two different Quest givers for this Quest. Completing one will mark the other Quest as completed.
  2. This Quest unlocks the boss as a master and unlocks the Quest "Demon Legend".


World EXP Zeni
Earth 334,260 19,060
Other World 1,262,000 9,700
Planet Namek 1,281,000 30,950
Future Earth 4,210,000 43,950
Space 85,050,000 146,200
Grand Total 92,047,260 249,860

Special Quest[]

Special Quests are labeled with a purple marker. These Quests can only be done once, and they usually involve interacting with objects rather than fighting enemies.

Quest Quest Giver Task EXP Zeni
Get that Toy Civilian Find the Lost Toy 2,700 100
Loop-di-Loop Civilian Find the Lost Shoe 4,500 150
The Guardians Civilian Talk to Mr. Popo 5,400 180
Find Your Way Civilian Find Lost Kid and give him directions back home 9,900 300

Quest Quest Giver Task EXP Zeni Form
Secret Finding* King Kai Find Bubbles 2,000 300 Kaioken


World EXP Zeni
Planet Earth 22,500 730
Other World 2,000 300

Raid Quest[]

Main article: Raid Quest

Raid Quests are labeled with a white marker. These Quests are a special type of Quest where up to five players can participate and are teleported to a separate world to fight a boss and, in some cases, a large number of enemies.

During these Quests, if the player dies, they are unable to respawn as they are only given the option to return to the main game, giving them only one life to complete it. However, if the player dies and their teammate(s) complete the Quest, the player will still receive rewards for completion (as long as the player in question doesn't leave). There is no limit on how many times the player can do one in a day; however, players can only earn the EXP and Zeni reward every 12 hours after completion.

If the player happens to keep dying, an easier way to retry is to do the !rejoin command. This will make the player rejoin the server, able to keep fighting. However, if done in a raid with multiple enemies, rejoining will restart all the progress the player has made.

Legend Quest[]

Legend Quests are labeled with a brown marker. These Quests are a special type of Quest where each race (excluding Half-Saiyans) has its own Legend Quest that has a ~10% chance of awarding them with their Legend form depending on race (e.g. Heaven's Savior).

They are similar in mechanics to Raid Quests, where the participant is teleported to a different place and dying will send the player back to the main game, with the only difference being that only one player can enter. Also, any player willing to enter a Legend Quest has to be of a certain race (for instance, Majins can only participate in the Legend Quest "Majin Legend", and so on). This can be worked around if you were to do a legend quest of a race, then switch races using the Black Star Dragon Ball wish. The forms will still show up in your transformation list, so long as you do not overwrite them.

A Legend Quest will be inaccessible for 6 hours after the player leaves the place, regardless on whether or not the player succeeded in the Quest.

Saiyan Legend
Saiyan Legend
Location Space (Planet Vegeta, in King Vegeta's throne room)
Requirement "Uncontrollable Rage" completed
Type Legend
Giver Saiyan
  • Saiyan Legends (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationHeaven's Savior (10% chance)

Human Legend
Human Legend
Location Earth (The Lookout)
Requirement Story Quest #1 completed
Type Legend
Giver Human
  • Humans (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationMax Power Mode (10% chance)

Namekian Legend
Namekian Legend
Location Planet Namek (island next to 100% Frieza)
Requirement "Makyo Star" completed
Type Legend
Giver Namekian
  • Namekians (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationDragon Namekian (10% chance)

Majin Legend
Majin Legend
Location Other World
Requirement Super Picco Form Raid completed
Type Legend
Giver Majin
  • Super Majins (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationNeko Majin (10% chance)

Android Legend
Android legend
Location Future Earth (between the Hatchiyack raid and Android 18)
Requirement Story Quest #25 completed
Type Legend
Giver Android
  • Super Androids (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationSuper Android (10% chance)

Frost Demon Legend
Frost Demon Legend
Location Planet Namek (Destroyed Namek area next to 100% Frieza)
Requirement "Frieza's Ancestor" completed
Type Legend
Giver Frost Demon
  • Frost Demons (Final Form) (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationMetal Form (10% chance)

Bio-Android Legend
Location Future Earth
Requirement Story Quest #30 completed
Type Legend
Giver Bio-Android
  • Bio-Androids (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationPreluded Form (10% chance)

Demon Legend
Demon Legend
Location Earth
Requirement "Other World Preliminaries" completed
Type Legend
Giver Demon
  • Demons (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationPhantom Demon (10% chance)

Hera Legend
Bojack Legend
Location Space (Battle Zone 5)
Requirement "Space Pirate" completed
Type Legend
Giver Hera
  • Heras (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationTrue Tribal Power (10% chance)

Yardratian Legend
Screenshot 2022-11-24 104759
Location Space (Planet Yardrat)
Requirement "The Legend" completed
Type Legend
Giver Yardratian
  • Yardratians (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationUltimate Yardratian Warrior (10% chance)

Kai Legend
Kai Legend
Location Other World (Check-In Station)
Requirement Big Demon Quests completed
Type Legend
Giver Kai
  • Supreme Kais (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationChaotic Kai (10% chance)

Kanassan Legend
Location Space
Requirement "The Avenger" completed
Type Legend
Giver Kanassan
  • Kanassans (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationAncient State (10% chance)

Tuffle Legend
Location Future Earth
Requirement Hatchiyack Raid completed
Type Legend
Giver Tuffle
  • Tuffles (5)
EXP 1,000,000
Zeni 500
Skill TransformationHyper Metallization (10% chance)

Training Quest[]

Training Quests are labeled with an orange marker. These Quests can be completed for unique rewards.

Currently, the only known Quest of this type is Grand Kai in the Other World, and completing the Quest gives out one skill point. Like Daily Quests, Training Quests cannot be repeated until 12 hours after their completion.

Site Navigation[]

PC ControlsXbox Controls
AccessoryAnimalAnimationBlue KaiokenClothingCombatDragon BallEnemyFusionItemKaiokenMasterPlayable RacePower-UpSkillZeni
User Interfaces
Character CreationEXPForm MasteryGame PassMenuMusicQuest (Raid Quest)ServerShopStatsTitleWorld
Game Modes
Ranked MatchesTournament ModeTraining Mode