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Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki
Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki

The Other World is a world featured in Dragon Ball Online Generations. It is a special world where players of any level can travel to.

It is currently the only world to not associate with any Dragon Ball saga (not including Space, which associates with the movie sagas).



Players can reach this area at any point by dying in any other world and choosing the "Go to Other World" option instead of respawning. There is no level requirement for accessing the Other World.

Being Dead and Revival[]

Player characters in the Other World will have a gold-yellow halo floating over their heads. If the player dies in the Other World, they will automatically respawn without being given an option to do so. Every time the player logs back in the game while their character is still dead, instead of being teleported to Earth, they will be teleported to the Other World.

The only way the player character can get "revived" is by finding either the NPCs Fortuneteller Baba or King Yemma. Talking to Fortuneteller Baba will allow the player to return to Earth while still dead (indicated by their halo still existent), returning to the Other World upon joining a new server. The player can still teleport to any other world by simply using the Travel panel in the Menu, though the same mechanics as being brought back by Baba are carried out. Talking to King Yemma will allow the player to return to Earth alive, turning things back to normal.

Other World Tournament[]

The Other World is one of the few worlds to feature a tournament. It is located in a moon-like location near Heaven. The winner of the tournament receives 250,000 Zeni, while second place gets 25,000.


In the Other World, the time that it takes for players' Transformation bar to go down will be reduced, which is helpful for them to master their forms.

Points of Interest[]

Check-In Station[]


King Yemma's office

The Check-In Station is an empty space with three structures within the area. These three areas King Yemma's office, Snake Way and King Kai's Planet, all of which hover above a sea of golden clouds. Inside the main building of King Yemma's office will be Fortuneteller Baba and King Yemma himself.

Snake Way[]

Snake Way is the winding snake sculpture that connects King Yemma's Office to King Kai's Planet. This location is more recognizable than most as in the anime, Goku ran Snake Way to meet King Kai.

King Kai's Planet[]

King Kai's Planet

King Kai's Planet is a small planet located at the end of Snake Way. There, the player can find King Kai, an NPC who gives a Special Quest that rewards the transformation Kaioken. The player can also master Kaioken and go to King Kai to unlock a new multiplier for Kaioken.



Hell is located beneath Snake Way and is home to Ogres and Demons alike. Though it does not have as many notable landmarks as the Check-In Station, it is split into three distinctive landscapes: a grassy area with trees dotted around, a rocky wasteland-esque strip of land containing the Bloody Pond, and a forest of dead trees. Within this dead forest are Demons that can be fought for daily quests.



Heaven is a planet bigger in comparison to King Kai's Planet, located above Snake Way. In the planet, there is an NPC named Grand Kai who gives a unique "Training Quest", which gives a skill point upon completion.

Other World Tournament[]

Other World Tournament

The Other World Tournament is located in a moon-like planet beside Heaven. In the planet lies a tournament arena in which players can participate in.

Site Navigation[]

Other World
Other World
Ascended DemonBig DemonBig Weak DemonDemonElite DemonMid DemonStrong DemonSuper DemonSuper Elite DemonWeak Demon
DevilmanCaptain Ginyu (Jeice, Burter, Recoome, Guldo) • Frieza (King Cold) • Ultimate Evolution Cell
Unique Features
Fusion DanceKaiokenOther World Tournament
Saga Worlds
Saiyan SagaFrieza SagaAndroid SagaSpecial SagaBuu Saga
Other World