Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki

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Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki

The Game Menu is a panel accessed by pressing M on the keyboard (or Select on the controller, depending on the device). It is a panel that allows players to do various actions involving their gameplay.

The following is a list of panels accessed in the Game Menu.


Tab Description
Change Color Options Change Color Options allows the player to change their character's clothing's color schemes using the RGB color scale.
Masters Masters allows the player to train with an unlocked master they choose. In this panel the completed percent of the master training is displayed.
Skills Skills allows the player to customize their skills, transformations and power-up set.
Inventory The Inventory lists the player's possessions: clothing, accessories, items, Dragon Balls, and Dragon Radar. The player can navigate their Inventory panel via the tabs located on the bottom.
Stats The Stats panel is where the player can invest their skill points into certain stat fields they choose. There is also an information tab on the bottom right corner of the screen that tells the player's race ability and race stats. In the upper right corner there is a button where the player can reset their stats with Robux.
Fighting Style The Fighting Style tab is located on the left of the Animation Set tab. This panel allows the player to select their fighting style, Assault Chase, and Throw animation.
Animation Set The Animation Set tab is located on the right of the Fighting Style tab. This panel allows the player to customize their Ki Blast, Stance, Running, Charging and Flying animations.
Combo List The Combo List panel tells the list of possible combat combinations the player can execute.


Main article: Shop
Tab Description
Skill Shop The Skill Shop allows the player to purchase a skill using Zeni.
Animation Shop The Animation Shop allows the player to purchase an animation using Zeni.
ROBUX Shop The ROBUX Shop allows the player to purchase any perks involving Zeni and EXP using Robux. Unlike skill shop and animation shop, its name is displayed in color green.


Tab Description
Character Info Character Info is a list that automatically shows up upon clicking on the Profile tab. It tells the player's character's information, which are the following:
  • Name, which displays the player's Roblox username (not their display name).
  • Power Level, which displays the player's "power level" based on their stats.
  • Level.
  • Zeni.
  • Race.
  • Quest Completed.
Rankings The Rankings list is located below the Character Info list. It lists the player's statuses in Ranked Matches, which are the following:
  • Total Bouts.
  • Wins.
  • Losses.
  • Battle Points.
  • Battle Points [Limitations], which tells how much Battle Points the player has gained from limited matches.
  • World Tournaments Won.
Titles The Titles tab allows the player to change their current title.
Banners The Banners tab allows the player to change their current banner.


The Travel panel allows the player to teleport to any world the player has unlocked. On the top right corner of the Travel panel, there is the Follow a Friend tab, which allows the player to teleport to the server a selected player is in.


The Leaderboards panel allows the player to view the Ranked Matches statuses of the other players that are currently in the player's server. The player can view either the leaderboard that lists statuses in normal Ranked Matches, or Limitations Matches. It also displays the players rank and current points in each of ranked matches modes.


The Tutorial panel explains the basics of Dragon Ball Online Generations. There are five tabs that tell a specific category of the game, which are the following:

  • Gameplay
  • Quest Viewer
  • Masters
  • Ranked Match
  • Dragon Balls


Tab Description
Music Player The Music Player allows the player to change whatever of the in-game music plays in the background and the option to mute or unmute music.
Graphics Setting The Graphics Setting tab lets the player change their graphics. Low graphics changes the map's features to a simple smooth texture, and high graphics changes the map's features to a more detailed texture.
Combat Input Type The Combat Input Type tab lets the player change whether to use left-click and right-click for basic combat, or Q and E. This is only for computer players.
Lock-On Camera Type The Lock-On Camera Type tab lets the player change their lock-on type.

Site Navigation[]

PC ControlsXbox Controls
AccessoryAnimalAnimationBlue KaiokenClothingCombatDragon BallEnemyFusionItemKaiokenMasterPlayable RacePower-UpSkillZeni
User Interfaces
Character CreationEXPForm MasteryGame PassMenuMusicQuest (Raid Quest)ServerShopStatsTitleWorld
Game Modes
Ranked MatchesTournament ModeTraining Mode