This article is a disambiguation page for masters.
This page's mere and/or primary purpose is to be a navigation page to list other articles who fall under the category of masters.

The Masters tab in the Game Menu.
Masters, sometimes referred to as mentors, are unlockable NPCs that can teach the player new techniques, including Ultimate Attacks. They also give out a certain amount of EXP every time you learn a new technique from them. The EXP gained is based off of where the mentor was unlocked (e.g. Planet Namek or Space).
Most mentors are unlocked by doing Quests, with the only exception being Krillin.
Training with a master can be done by going to the Menu, clicking on Masters, and then selecting a master to train with. After that, the player is transported to a separate Roblox place called Master Training. The player is then introduced to their selected mentor, who like usual interactive NPCs can be interacted with by clicking on them (right D-Pad in Xbox One version).
Upon interaction, the player is given four dialogue options, in which the mentor will respond to each of them:
- Teach me. - If able to, the master earns the player a new skill along with a certain amount of EXP. When at 100% mastery, the master will grant 1 Skill Point and their special fighting style. However, if unable to or Master Progress is at 0%, the master simply refuses.
- Talk with me. - The mentor talks about a random topic, based on their biography in the Dragon Ball series. Each master has two topics.
- Spar with me. - The player teleports to the master's fightable counterpart.
- Take me back. - The master bids a farewell and the player is teleported to Earth.
In order to learn skills and Fighting Styles, the player must spar with and defeat their master to increase their Master Progress. Each victory will reward the player with a percentage of Master Progress between 10% and 25%. After defeating their master, the player is given the option to either go back to the interactive master, or continue sparring. This choice is given out only whenever the player defeats the master.
Every what percentage the player can learn a skill by depends on 100 divided by x (x meaning the total number of skills, including the Fighting Style, the player can learn). For example, at about 13% progress of training with Raditz, the player can learn Double Sunday. Then at about 25% progress, the player can learn Black Monday.
Once Master Progress reaches 100%, the master will teach the player their Fighting Style. Also, when you get a master to 100% and learn their fighting style, you are rewarded with 1 skill point.
Most mentors have unique maps dedicated to them, normally based on where you'll find them in game.
List of Masters[]
Saiyan Saga[]
Unlocked by Default
- 16% - Kamehameha - Beam Skill
- 33% - Orin Combo - Rush Skill
- 50% - Destructo Disc - Blast Skill
- 66% - Scatter Shot - Ultimate Attack (Beam)
- 83% - Fierce Destructive Disc - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Krillin
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #1
- 25% - Dodon Ray - Beam Skill
- 50% - Crane Style: Assassin Strike - Rush Skill
- 75% - Super Dodon Wave - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Mercenary Tao - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #2
- 11% - Double Sunday - Beam Skill
- 22% - Black Monday - Rush Skill
- 33% - Saturday Crash - Blast Skill
- 44% - Shining Friday - Blast Skill
- 55% - I'm a Top-class Warrior! - Counter Skill
- 66% - Behind You! - Counter Skill
- 77% - Didn't Think You'd Fall for That! - Counter Skill
- 88% - Begone! - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Raditz
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #3
- 14% - Destructive Wave - Beam Skill
- 28% - Demon Rend - Rush Skill
- 42% - Reverse Mabakusenko - Counter Skill
- 56% - Explosive Breath Cannon - Beam Skill
- 71% - Special Beam Cannon - Beam Skill
- 86% - Full Power Special Beam Cannon - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Piccolo
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #3
- 16% - Solar Flare - Evasive Skill
- 33% - Tri-Beam - Blast Skill
- 50% - Crane Style: Machine Gun - Rush Skill
- 66% - Volleyball Fist - Rush Skill
- 83% - Spirit Tri-Beam - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Tien
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #3
- 16% - Wolf Fang Fist - Rush Skill
- 33% - Tiger Jackhammer Fist - Rush Skill
- 50% - Ki Blast Thrust - Rush Skill
- 66% - Blinding Wolf Fang Fist - Ultimate(Rush)
- 83% - Spirit Ball - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Yamcha
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #4
- 12.5% - Arm Crash - Rush Skill
- 25% - Bomber DX - Blast Skill
- 37.5% - Breakstorm - Rush Skill
- 50% - Blazing Storm - Blast Skill
- 62.5% - Power Tackle - Counter Skill
- 75% - Nappa Cannon - Ultimate (Beam)
- 87.5% - Giant Storm - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Nappa
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #4
- 16% - Hidden Potential - Beam Skill
- 33% - Masenko - Beam Skill
- 50% - Thrust Counterattack - Counter Skill
- 66% - Masendan - Blast Skill
- 83% - Explosive Assault - Ultimate (Blast/Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Kid Gohan
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #5
- 14% - Meteor Strike - Rush Skill
- 28% - Meteor Combination - Rush Skill
- 42% - Kaioken Assault - Rush Skill
- 56% - Super Kamehameha - Ultimate (Beam)
- 71% - Kaioken Finish - Ultimate (Rush)
- 86% - Spirit Bomb - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Goku
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #5
- 14% - Finish Breaker - Blast Skill
- 28% - Galick Gun - Beam Skill
- 42% - Galick Burst - Counter Skill
- 56% - Super Galick Gun - Ultimate (Beam)
- 71% - Galaxy Breaker - Ultimate (Beam)
- 86% - Wild Hunt - Ultimate (Rush)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Vegeta
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #7
- 14% - Kill Driver - Blast Skill
- 28% - Sudden Storm - Blast Skill
- 42% - Sudden Impact - Counter Skill
- 56% - Calamity Blaster - Blast Skill
- 71% - Meteor Break - Rush Skill
- 86% - Meteor Burst - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Turles
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #9
- 20% - Darkness Eye Beam - Beam Skill
- 40% - Darkness Rush - Rush Skill
- 60% - Darkness Twin Star - Blast Skill
- 80% - Darkness Blaster - Beam Skill
- 100% - Fighting Style: Lord Slug - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
Frieza Saga[]
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #12
- 20% - Mystic Wave - Beam Skill
- 40% - Please Leave - Counter Skill
- 60% - Explosive Demon Wave - Evasive Skill
- 80% - Mystic Flash - Ultimate (Counter)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Nail
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #13
- 20% - Dodoria Wave - Beam Skill
- 40% - Dodoria Headbutt - Rush Skill
- 60% - Dodoria Blow - Counter Skill
- 80% - Maximum Buster - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Dodoria - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #14
- 16% - Gorgeous Shot - Beam Skill
- 33% - Shooting Star Arrow - Blast Skill
- 50% - Bloody Dance - Rush Skill
- 66% - Bloody Counter - Counter Skill
- 83% - Elegant Blaster - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Zarbon
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #15
- 16% - Recoome Kick - Rush Skill
- 33% - Recoome Punch - Rush Skill
- 50% - Recoome Renegade Bomber - Blast Skill
- 66% - Recoome Hip Attack - Counter Skill
- 83% - Recoome Eraser Gun - Beam Skill
- 100% - Fighting Style: Recoome
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #16
- 20% - Milky Cannon - Blast Skill
- 40% - Galaxy Dynamite - Blast Skill
- 60% - Got You! - Counter Skill
- 80% - Ginyu Force Special Combo - Rush Skill
- 100% - Fighting Style: Captain Ginyu
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #17
- 20% - Death Beam - Beam Skill
- 40% - Death Wave - Blast Skill
- 60% - Death Strike - Counter Skill
- 80% - Death Ball - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Frieza
Android Saga[]
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #19
- 16%-32% - Buster Cannon - Beam Skill
- 33%-49% - Burning Attack - Blast Skill
- 50%-65% - Finish Buster - Blast Skill
- 66%-82% - Burning Breaker - Rush Skill
- 83%-99% - Heat Dome Attack - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Future Trunks
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #21
- 20%-39% - Death Crash - Rush Skill
- 40%-59% - Death Chaser - Rush Skill
- 60%-79% - Death Impact - Rush Skill
- 80%-99% - Supernova - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Cooler
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #23
- 25%-49% - Photon Wave - Beam Skill
- 50%-74% - Pesky Fly - Rush Skill
- 75%-99% - Bionic Punisher - Beam Skill
- 100% - Fighting Style: Dr. Gero
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #23 (Side 1)
- 16%-32% - Hyper Masenko - Beam Skill
- 33%-49% - Senko Ki Blast - Evasive Skill
- 50%-65% - Sonic Rush - Rush Skill
- 66%-82% - Intercept - Counter Skill
- 83%-99% - Fierce Combination - Rush Skill
- 100% - Fighting Style: Future Gohan
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #25
- 16%-32% - Handy Cannon - Blast Skill
- 33%-49% - Silent Assassin 13 - Rush Skill
- 50%-65% - Handy Crusher - Blast Skill
- 66%-82% - S.S Deadly Hammer - Rush Skill
- 83%-99% - S.S Deadly Bomber - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Android 13
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #26
- 20%-39% - Power Blitz - Blast Skill
- 40%-59% - Infinity Bullet - Blast Skill
- 60%-79% - Sadistic Blow - Counter Skill
- 80%-99% - Deadly Dance - Rush Skill
- 100% - Fighting Style: Android 18
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #27
- 20%-39% - Rocket Cannon - Beam Skill
- 40%-59% - Android Rush - Rush Skill
- 60%-79% - Rocket Tackle - Rush Skill
- 80%-99% - Hell Flash - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Android 16
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #28
- 20%-39% - Accel Shot - Blast Skill
- 40%-59% - Power Strike - Rush Skill
- 60%-79% - Endgame - Counter Skill
- 80%-99% - Photon Flash - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Android 17
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #30
- 16%-32% - Perfect Shot - Blast Skill
- 33%-49% - Gravity Impact - Blast Skill
- 50%-65% - Perfect Combination - Rush Skill
- 66%-82% - Perfect Barrier - Evasive Skill
- 83%-99% - Solar Kamehameha - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Cell
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #30
- 20%-39% - Chou Maretsugeki - Rush Skill
- 40%-59% - Soaring Dragon Strike - Rush Skill
- 60%-79% - Quiet Rage - Rush Skill
- 80%-99% - Explosive Demon Impact - Counter Skill
- 100% - Fighting Style: Teen Gohan
Special Saga[]
Unlocked by completing The Avenger
- 20% - Rebellion Trigger - Beam Skill
- 40% - Vortex Crusher - Rush Skill
- 60% - Final Revenger - Rush Skill
- 80% - Final Spirit Cannon - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Bardock
Unlocked by completing Bardock's Elite Force
- 20% - Hunting Arrow - Blast Skill
- 40% - Heat Phalanx - Rush Skill
- 60% - Energy Ballet - Blast Skill
- 80% - Hysteric Rush - Rush Skill
- 100% - Fighting Style: Fasha
Unlocked by completing Galactic Tyrant
- 20% - Grand Smasher - Blast Skill
- 40% - Galactic Blow - Blast Skill
- 60% - Galactic Tyrant - Rush Skill
- 80% - Galactic Buster - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Bojack
Unlocked by completing Galaxy Warriors 1
- 20% - Shoot Blaster - Blast Skill
- 40% - Vicious Drive - Rush Skill
- 60% - Quick Revenge - Counter Skill
- 80% - Sky Zapper - Ultimate (Rush)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Zangya
Unlocked by completing Uncontrolled Rage
- 20% - Eraser Cannon - Blast Skill
- 40% - Blaster Meteor - Evasive Skill
- 60% - Gigantic Hammer - Ultimate (Rush)
- 80% - Omega Blaster - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Broly
Unlocked by completing Makyo Star
- 20% - Darkness Wave - Beam Skill
- 40% - Sealed Light Beam - Blast Skill
- 60% - Darkness Illusion - Rush Skill
- 80% - Dead Zone - Ultimate (Blast)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Garlic Jr.
Buu Saga[]
Unlocked by completing Story Quest #34
- 16%-32% - Explosive Cannon - Beam Skill
- 33%-49% - Explosive Combination - Rush Skill
- 50%-65% - Explosive Strike - Counter Skill
- 66%-82% - Soaring Explosive Fist - Rush Skill
- 83%-99% - Burst Rush - Ultimate (Rush)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Gohan
Other World[]
Unlocked by completing Other World Preliminaries
- 20% - No Running - Rush Skill
- 40% - Hyper Tornado - Rush Skill
- 60% - Burning Shoot - Ultimate (Rush)
- 80% - Thunder Flash - Ultimate (Beam)
- 100% - Fighting Style: Pikkon
- Chiaotzu was originally a master that could be unlocked after completing Story Quest #3. However, due to only teaching three skills (Psychic Rock Throw, Psychic Spark, and Dodon Blast) and his fighting style, he was removed. His skills and fighting style have been added to the shop in 2020 April 28's Skill Update.