Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki

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Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki
Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki

Future Earth is the fourth world featured in Dragon Ball Online Generations. It is unlockable by reaching level 200 and finishing Story Quest #18, and is the world for the Android Saga.


Future Earth retains a similar layout to that of regular Earth's, though there are some notable geographical differences.



Central City

All cities, with the exception of West City, have received grizzly makeovers. Most buildings have been totally destroyed, sinking into the ground and sporting large holes. The only truly notable entry is South City which has been relocated in it's entirety, replacing Baba's Palace and the Lookout wastelands.

Northern Mountains[]


Dr. Gero's Lab within the Northern Mountains

A large part of the northern part of the map is now comprised of tall mountains. They replace Cooler's waterfall, stretching from the ice wastelands to the very edge of the main map. Notable landmarks include the Mountain Road (where Android 18 is fought), Dr. Gero's Lab and the raid Hatchiyack.



Quest Quest Giver Task Master EXP Zeni
Story Quest #19 Future Trunks Defeat: Future Trunks 1,000,000 1,000
Story Quest #20 (Side 1) Future Trunks Give Goku the vaccine 100,000 80
Story Quest #20 Goku Defeat: 1,100,000 1,100
Story Quest #21 Cooler Defeat: Cooler 1,200,000 1,200
Story Quest #22 (Side 1) Yamcha Ask survivor where are the Androids 110,000 160
Story Quest #22 Vegeta Defeat: 1,300,000 1,300
Story Quest #23 Piccolo Defeat: Dr. Gero 1,400,000 1,400
Story Quest #23 (Side 1) Krillin Find Dr. Gero's lab Future Gohan 120,000 240
Story Quest #24 Vegeta, Future Trunks Defeat: 1,500,000 1,500
Story Quest #25 Goku Defeat: Android 13 1,600,000 1,600
Story Quest #26 Vegeta Defeat: Android 18 1,700,000 1,700
Story Quest #26 (Side 1) Android 17 Give Senzu to Vegeta, Tien, Trunks, Piccolo 130,000 320
Story Quest #27 Piccolo Defeat: Android 16 1,800,000 1,800
Story Quest #27 (Side 1) Bulma Find Cell's time machine 140,000 400
Story Quest #28 Piccolo Defeat: Android 17 1,900,000 1,900
Story Quest #28 (Side 1) Krillin Find Androids 18 and 16 150,000 480
Story Quest #29 Future Trunks Defeat: 2,000,000 2,000
Story Quest #29 (Side 1) Bulma Give Goku the Dragon Radar 160,000 560
Story Quest #30 Teen Gohan Defeat: Cell
Teen Gohan
2,200,000 2,100


Quest Quest Giver Task EXP Zeni
Armory Civilian Defeat: 270,000 3,250
Energy Stealers Civilian Defeat: 285,000 3,500
Frieza's Ultra-Elite Civilian Defeat: 250,000 3,850
Hell in a Cell Civilian Defeat: 400,000 3,850
Little Bug Monsters Civilian Defeat: 330,000 4,000
Powered Up Civilian Defeat: 320,000 3,750
Robotic Failure Civilian Defeat: 260,000 3,450
Saiba-Mania Civilian Defeat: 245,000 3,200
Science Freaks Civilian Defeat: 255,000 2,950
Teenage Aggression Civilian Defeat: 450,000 3,500
The Perfect Design Civilian Defeat: 350,000 3,250
Unlimited Energy Civilian Defeat: 300,000 3,000
Unstoppable Force Civilian Defeat: 500,000 3,250
Wicked Omen Civilian Defeat: 315,000 3,000


Quest Quest Giver Requirements Task EXP Zeni Skill
Raid: Super Android 13 Android 13 "Story Quest #21" completed Defeat: 2,000,000 900 RushShining Rage Attack
Raid: Hatchiyack Dr. Lychee "Story Quest #30" completed Defeat: 4,000,000 4,000 BeamRevenger Cannon
CounterRapid Charge Counter


Quest Quest Giver Requirements Task EXP Zeni Transformation
Android Legend Android "Story Quest #25" completed Defeat: 1,000,000 500 Super Android
Bio-Android Legend Bio-Android "Story Quest #30" completed Defeat: 1,000,000 500 Preluded Form
Tuffle Legend Tuffle "Raid: Hatchiyack" completed Defeat:
  • Tuffle (5)
1,000,000 500 Hyper Metallization


  • Frieza's Spaceship has appeared behind West City in the Wastelands.
  • The Cell Games Arena has appeared between Central City and East City.
  • Cooler has been moved to the Wastelands, similar to where the Crane Martial Artists reside on Earth.
  • Kame House is still kickin'.

Site Navigation[]

Saga Worlds
Saiyan SagaFrieza SagaAndroid SagaSpecial SagaBuu Saga
Other World
Android Saga
Future Earth
Android 14Android 15Android 19Android TankBio-AndroidCell Jr.Cyborg AndroidEnergy-Absorption AndroidGokuKid GohanKing ColdMecha FriezaPiccoloPrototype AndroidSaiba-RangerScientific AndroidSuper AndroidUltimate AndroidUltra-Elite Frieza Soldier
Future TrunksCoolerFuture GohanDr. GeroAndroid 13Android 18Android 16Android 17Teen GohanCell (ImperfectSemi-PerfectPerfect)
HatchiyackSuper Android 13