Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki

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Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki
Dragon Ball Online Generations Wiki
"I've always wanted to finish major articles. Maybe I'll keep that in my head."
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EXP is one of the primary mechanics in the game. They can be collected to level up. EXP appears in a white bar, divided by squares, above the health bar.

The current level cap is 700.


Methods of obtaining EXP[]


Its main usage is to level up. The player needs certain amount of EXP to level up in each level. When going through levels, the EXP required to get to the next level increases.

Double EXP[]

Double EXP (or 2x EXP) can be purchased from the Shop for Robux. While this boost is active, the player is able to obtain twice the amount of EXP than supposed to in any method of obtaining EXP. The boost runs for one hour.

Selecting the wish "I wish I had more potential" to Shenron will give the player a free double EXP boost for 2 hours (120 minutes).

Site Navigation[]

PC ControlsXbox Controls
AccessoryAnimalAnimationBlue KaiokenClothingCombatDragon BallEnemyFusionItemKaiokenMasterPlayable RacePower-UpSkillZeni
User Interfaces
Character CreationEXPForm MasteryGame PassMenuMusicQuest (Raid Quest)ServerShopStatsTitleWorld
Game Modes
Ranked MatchesTournament ModeTraining Mode